Please, help me? I need, wapkiz search (paging or jump) code. you can make use of the code below, make sure you change the id to yours. if it did not work comment here with the error that it showing :page:c=[blog]cat=all,l=0||%count%[/blog],s=:to-page:,u=/site-page id.html?to-page=:to-page:,no=::<table width="100%" border="0 " class="trend"><tr><h3><tdwidth="30%" bgcolor="" align="left">%prev=PREV%</td><td width="40%" bgcolor="" align="center">%n%</td><td width="30%" bgcolor="" align="right">%next=NEXT%</td></h3></tr></table>:/page: <form action="/site-page id.html?to-page=:to-page:" method="get"><input type="text" name="to-page" value=":to-page:"/><input type="submit" value="Jump"/></form> OMG!!! THANKS!!! you are welcome New at the top |