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Wapkiz Top 100 sites (1)
ffthemes » ffthemes --23 November 06:51am
Wapmash wapkiz Music Theme Download (1)
daudbd » daudbd --22 November 12:52pm
Old Facebook Wapkiz Clone Theme (1)
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Wapkiz customize domain (3)
Chattempo » Chattempo --27 October 10:30am
Tellybd.Com Wapkiz Movie Theme Download (1)
daudbd » daudbd --25 October 10:28pm
how can i display image in my filemanage... (1)
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How To Make Messages Html code (2)
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ffthemes » ffthemes --09 September 12:48pm

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downUsers Birthday Code
08 August 06:35pm #1
Sista  Sista
Post: 3
Who can help me with "Html tag code" for users birthday?
Thanks: Immanuel,
11 August 05:14am #2
ffthemes  ffthemes
Post: 33
Yes, I can
17 August 12:12pm #3
Sista  Sista
Post: 3
@ffthemes Asist me with code please!
01 January 12:00am #4
ffthemes  ffthemes
Post: 33
Não tenho um código próprio, mas vou deixar umas dicas, use os dados do perfil com a tag wapkiz IF, o usuário deve inserir seus dados de nascimento como dia, mes e ano, então com a tag de data ::date:: vais criar seu código.
Estou fazendo um artigo sobre este assunto, vou postar no meu blogue brevemente https://tipsandtricksfor.wapkiz.com.I don't have my own code, but I'll give you some tips: use the profile data with the wapkiz IF tag, the user must enter their birth data such as day, month and year, then with the date tag ::date:: you will create your code.

I'm writing an article about this subject, I'll post it on my blog soon https://tipsandtricksfor.wapkiz.com.
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 How To Create Messages Html code
Posted by wilsonjunior
Date:19 September. 09:25pm
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 Wapkiz comment system
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Date:28 August. 02:51pm
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Posted by Immanuel
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 In need of chat theme
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Date:24 July. 08:30pm
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 help wapkiz theme
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Date:07 July. 01:17am
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